Naaman, chief of the Syrian army, had a terrible skin disease. His young Israelite servant girl said, "Go to Elisha-God's messenger in Israel-he will make you better." "Wash seven times in the river Jordan,"Elisha told Naaman. "I can was in cleaner rivers back home!" Naaman shouted angrily. "Please do as Elisha says!" his soldiers pleaded. So Naaman dipped in the river seven times--and his skin was smooth again!. "Your God is the real... God! Naaman told Elisha. 2 Kings 5.
After King Ahaziah died, his mother Athaliah, killed all the royal children to become queen!. But baby Joash was rescued by his aunt. She hid him in God's temple. When Joash was seven, the priest, Jehoiada, invited the people to the temple. He led Joash out, placed a crown on his head and gave him a copy of God's law. Everyone cheered, "Long live King Joash!". 2 Kings 11-12.
God told Jonah, "Go to the people of Niniveh. Tell them to stop being wicked." Jonah didn't want to go. He ran away and went to sea. But God sent a strong wind to whip up the waves. "We are going to sink!" cried the terrified sailors. "It's my fault!" Jonah said. "I ran away from God. Throw me in the sea, then the storm will stop." The sailors threw Jonah overboard and the sea grew calm. Jonah 1. Kamus: to whip up=membangkitkan.
As Jonah sank beneath the waves, a big fish swam by and swallowed him up. Inside the fish Jonah prayed, "Please, help me God!". God listened. He told the fish to spit Jonah out on the beach. So Jonah went to Niniveh. The people listened to him. They promised to stop being wicked. "I forgive them," God told Jonah. But Jonah was angry. He did not want God to forgive his enemies. Jonah 1-4.
God's temple in Jerusalem was falling to bits, so King Josiah sent builders and decorators to mend it. There they found the lost copy of God's Law. A servant read it to King Josiah. He burst into tears. "We haven't obeyed God!" he cried. God sent Josiah a message: "There will be trouble later, but not for you, Josiah. I know you love me!". 2 Chronicles 34.
Kamus: to mend it =membetulkan,memperbaiki. burst =ledakan,letusan
After good King Josiah there were more bad kings. God's messenger, Jeremiah, warned them that their enemies would fight them and win if they kept disobeying God. The leaders got angry-they threw Jeremiah into a deep, muddy hole. Ebedmelech went to the king. "Your Majesty! Don't let Jeremiah die!" "Go and rescue him!" ordered the king. So Ebedmelech and his helpers rushed off to pull Jeremiah up to safety. Jeremiah 38.
Kamus: rushed off=bergegas.
No one listened to Jeremiah's messages from God. Then Nebuchadnezzar-mighty king of Babylonia - brought his army to attack Jerusalem. They stole the temple treasure and marched the people off to Babylonia. "Burn the city!" Nebuchadnezzar ordered. How sad God's people were as they left the city and the land God had given them!. 2 Chronicles 36.
DANIEL (53).
Israel's cleverest young men were taken to Nebuchadnezzar's palace. "Eat the food the king sends you," the chief servant ordered. But Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew that meant obeying the king rather than God. "Give us vegetables and water for ten days," Daniel begged. The servant agreed. After ten days they looked fit and healthy. "These men are the best!" Nebuchadnezzar said. "They help me rule". Daniel 1.
"Bow down to my wonderful gold statue!" Nebuchadnezzar ordered. Everyone bowed down -except Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. "Bow down!" Nebuchadnezzar shouted. "Or I'll throw you into the fire!". "We bow only to God!" the friends replied bravely. So Nebuchadnezzar's soldiers threw them into the flames. Suddenly Nebuchadnezzar gasped: "We threw three men in - but there are four walking about in the fire! Their God has sent his angel to keep them safe!". Daniel 3.
Kamus: gasped = tersentak.
The new king liked Daniel. This made people jealous. "Order everyone to pray to you alone- or be thrown to the lions," they told the king. "Daniel is still praying to God!". So the king's soldiers threw Daniel into the lions' pit. The king lay awake worrying. Next morning he shouted, "Daniel! Did God save you ?". "Yes!" Daniel replied. "My God closed the lions' mouths! I'm safe!". Daniel 6.
"I want a queen," sai...d the king of Persia. "Bring me the most beautiful girls in the kingdom." The king chose Esther. But he did not know that Esther and her cousin, Mordecai, were Jews. Haman hated Mordecai, so he said to the king, "Let's kill those Jews from Israel." The king agreed. Mordecai sent Esther a secret message : "Help us!" he begged. "God made you queen to save your people." Esther 1-4.
"I will help," Esther told Mordecai. "Pray that the king will not be angry!". Then, trembling, she went to the king. He welcomed her. "Please come to dinner--and bring Haman, your chief advisor," Esther said. After dinner Esther said, "Your Majesty, an enemy wants to kill me and my people!"."Who is he?" the king asked. Esther pointed to Haman. "Take him away!" the king ordered. "Mordecai will take his place." Esther 5,7.
After many years, the Jewish people came home, just as God had promised. Jerusalem was in ruins. So the people began rebuilding the temple. Ezra, the priest, helped them finish it and taught them God's Word. "Now let's rebuild the city wall," said Nehemiah. "God will help us!". So the people worked together, each family mending a part of the wall.
Ezra 3; Nehemiah 2, 3, 8. Kamus: mending = memperbaiki.
At last the wall was finished! Nehemiah called everyone to celebrate. Two groups of singers and musicians marched right around Jerusalem. The people sang, played their instruments, danced and thanked God. They all met up again at the temple. Everyone was happy because God had kept his promise. The people of Israel had come home!. Nehemiah 6,12.
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