As Jesus left Jairus' house two blind men shouted out, "Jesus, be kind and help us!".
"Do you believe I can make you better? Jesus asked. "Oh yes! they replied. "Then because you believe in me, it will happen," said Jesus as he reached out and touched their eyes. At once the men could see!.
Matthew 9.
The crowd had listened to Jesus all day. "They're hungry," said Jesus. "Let's give them some food." "We don't have enough money!" his friends replied. "This boy has five little loaves and two fish," said Andrew. Jesus took the loaves and the fish and thanked God for them. Then he handed out the food. And everyone had plenty to eat!. John 6.
One evening Jesus went away to pray. His friends set off across the lake. They puffed and panted as they rowed. Suddenly they saw someone walking on the water toward them. "It's a ghost! they screamed. "Don't be scared," said the man, climbing into their boat. "It's me, Jesus!" The friends were amazed. It was Jesus!. Mark 6. Kamus: screamed=menjerit, berteriak; they puffed and panted as they rowed= mereka terengah-engah sementara mendayung.
Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain to pray. Jesus grew brighter and brighter until even his clothes shone dazzling white. The friends were amazed. Even Moses and Elijah, two of God's prophets from long ago, were there talking with Jesus!. Suddenly a misty cloud came down and they heard God say, "This is my Son. Listen to him!".
Luke 9. Kamus : Shone dazzling white=putih bersinar menyilaukan. misty cloud=awan berkabut.
Jesus told another story: A man was lying badly hurt by the side of the road. A priest came along. But he did not help, he just walk away!. Then another important man walked by. But he did not stop to help either. At last a kind stranger stopped. He bandages the man, took him to an inn and looked after him there. "Be kind like that stranger in the story" said Jesus. Luke 9.
Jesus was at Martha and Mery's house. Mary sat down to listen to Jesus. But Martha rushed around getting the food ready. Martha was upset. "Jesus!" she said. "I'm doing all the work by myself. Tell Mary to help me!". "Oh, Martha," said Jesus gently, "Mary wants to be with me. She has chosen what is most important." Luke 10.
"Jesus,, teach us how to talk to God", his friends asked. So Jesus thaught them this prayer. Our father in heaven, may everyone know and love you. Come and be our King. Give us today the food we need. Forgive the bad things we do. Help us to forgive others too. When we want to do something bad, help us choose to do good instead. Luke 11.
One day Jesus met some men with a skin disease. "Jesus, please make us better" they called. "Find the priest," Jesus said kindly, "so he can see you are well again." As the men set off, they saw that their skin was as good as new! But only one of them rushed back to thank Jesus. Luke 17.
"God invites people into his kingdom", Jesus said, "like the man who was getting ready for his party." 'The important people he had invited sent messages saying, "We're sorry, we're too busy to come.' "Then the man told his servants, 'Go! Find the people who are never invited to parties and bring them here'. Soon the man's house was full of people having fun."
Luke 14.
Everyone crowded around as Jesus told this story about what God's kingdom is like: There was once a shepherd who had one hundred sheep. One day he discovered one was missing. He searched up and down, near and far. Finally he found it. He was so happy he carried it all the way home!. "I've found my lost sheep" he called to his friends. "Let's have a party!". Like the shepherd in the story, God is happy when even one sinner turns back to him. Luke 15.
There was once a son who left home. He soon spent his father's money. "I'm hungry and unhappy, "the young man thought, "I'll go back and tell my father I'm sorry." As soon as his father saw him, he ran to hug him. "My son has come home!" he called to his servants. "Let's have a party!". "God is so happy when we come home to him," Jesus said. Luke 15.
Two men went to the temple to pray. The first man said, "God, I keep all your rules, I don't cheat or steal like that man there." The second man tood sadly at the back. "I know I'm a bad man, God." He prayed, "Please forgive me." "Guess which man God was pleased with?" said Jesus. "The one who said he was sorry."
Martha and Mary were very sad because their brother Lazarus had died. "I can give new life," Jesus said to them. "Anyone who trusts me will never really die." He went to the place where Lazarus was buried. "Move the stone away!" Jesus ordered. "Lazarus, come out!" he called. And to everyone's amazement, Lazarus walked out alive and well. John 11.
Some people brought their children to see Jesus but Jesus' friends said, "Go away! Don't bother Jesus. He's much too busy." Jesus was angry with them. "Let the children come to me," he said. "Don't stop them. God wants children in his kingdom." The children ran to Jesus' open arms. He hugged them and asked God to take special care of them. Mark 10.
"I can't see Jesus over this crowd," thought Zachaeus, so he climbed a tree. Jesus walked by and looking up. "Hello, Zacchaeus! he said. "I'm coming to your house today!" The crowd gasped. Zacchaeus was a cheat; nobody liked him!. Zacchaeus gasped. Could Jesus really want to be his friend?.
Zacchaeus had a wonderful day with Jesus. And he promised not to cheat anyone again". Luke 19. Kamus: gasped= tersentak.
As Jesus and his friends were eating, Mary poured her precious bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet. Then she wiped them gently with her long hair. The wonderful, sweet smell filled the room. "Mary should have sold that parfume and given the money to the poor," complain Judas. But Jesus was pleased with mary. "Mary has done something very special for me!" he said. John 12.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey. The people spead branches and cloaks on the ground--like a carpet for a king. The crowds waved branches to welcome Jesus. "Hooray for God's special king! they cheered. "Who is this man?" people asked. "It's Jesus! God's messenger!" the crowds replied. Matthew 21.
"Be ready for God's kingdom," said Jesus, as he told this story : There were ten bridesmaids who were waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. The wise girls took extra oil for their lamps. The foolish girls did not. At midnight their lamps ran out of ail, so they went off to buy more. Suddenly, the bridegroom arrived. He took the wise bridesmaids to his wedding party. But the foolish bridesmaids missed out. Matthew 25.
God's temple was busy when Jesus arrived. "Buy a lamb here, "shouted some sellers. "Dove for sale!" yelled others. Jesus was very angry. There was so much noise; no one could talk to God. "God's house is a special place to pray," said Jesus, pushing over a stall piled high with money, "not somewhere to buy and sell and cheat!" Then he chased them all out of the temple. Mark 11.
One evening, during supper, Jesus got up, tied a towel around his waist and began to wash his friends' feet. They were shocked--it was the servant's job to wash feet. "Jesus, you mustn't was our feet!" said Peter. "I'm washing your feet because I love you," said Jesus. "Now copy me. Love and help each other." John 13.
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