Long ago, when God began to make everything, the Earth was dark and empty. God said, "Earth need light". And light appeared. God made the sun to shine by day and the moon and stars to light the night. God was pleased with what he had done. Bagaimana caranya Allah menciptakan bumi ini?. Jawab: "Oleh firman Tuhan langit telah dijadikan, oleh napas dari mulut-Nya segala tentara-Nya. Sebab Dia berfirman, maka semuanya jadi; Dia memberi perint...ah, maka semuanya ada."(Maz.33:6,9). Inilah yang disebutkan dengan istilah EX-NIHILIO yang artinya bahwa Allah menjadikan dari yang tidak ada menjadi ada. Kemudian, bagaimana keadaan bumi saat keluar dari tangan Pencipta kita?. "Keadaannya sangat indah (it was exceedingly beautiful). Pemukaannya dihiasi gunung-gunung, bukit-bukit dan padang yang datar, diselingi oleh sungai-sungai serta danau-danau yang indah; tetapi bukit-bukit dan gunung-gunung itu tidaklah curam dan berbatu-batu, atau penuh dengan tebing-tebing yang terjal serta mengerikan seperti halnya sekarang ini; batu-batu bumi yang tajam dan kasar terpendam di bawah Tanah yang subur, dan di mana-mana tumbuh pepohonan yang hijau serta segar. Tidak ada rawa-rawa yang menjijikkan atau padang pasir yang tandus. Ke mana saja pandangan diarahkan kelihatan semak belukar dan bunga-bunga yang indah dan menarik. Udara, bebas dari unsur-unsur yang membahayakan, sangat segar dan menyehatkan." E.G. White, Sejarah Para Nabi hlm.35.
Kejadian 1-11 adalah merupakan fakta sejarah. Namun para golongan liberal menyatakannya sekedar dongeng, ilustrasi ataupun perumpamaan, dsb. Bila kita perhatikan bahwa pada Kej.1:1 bukan menggunakan kata-kata : "once upon a time"( pada suatu waktu), seperti halnya digunakan dalam dongeng-dongeng pada umumnya, tetapi menggunakan kata-kata: "in the beginning"(pada mulanya). Jadi, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Kejadian 1 bukanlah suatu dongeng atau ilustrasi, melainkan merupakan fakta sejarah.
God said, "I will make grass and flowers and trees to cover Earth". Then he made all kinds of creatures. He made fish to swim in the rivers and seas. Birds and butterflies to fill the air. And animals, big and small,to play on the land.(Read the story in Genesis 1)
God said, "Now I will make people to take care of the Earth." So he made Adam and Eve. "Enjoy the fruit in my garden," said God. Then he pointed to one tree. "Don't eat fruit from that tree. If you do, you will die." Adam and Eve were very happy in God's garden. (Read the story in Genesis 2).
The fruit on the forbidden tree looked delicious. "Why not try it?" the snake asked. "But God said we would die", said Eve. "Don't listen to God," the snake whispered. So Eve picked some and shared it with Adam. God was sad that they had disobeyed him. Now Adam and Eve have to leave God's garden. (Read Genesis Chapter 3)
Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. Cain thought that God loved Abel more than him. So he hated his b...rother more and more. One day when they were out in the fields, Cain killed Abel. God was very sad. Hate and murder were spoiling his Earth. Cain had to leave home and move far away.(Read Genesis 4).
Nobody on Earth listened to God--except Noah. "Noah, there's going to be a flood," said God. "Built a big boat for your family. And take two of every kind of animal and bird with you." Noah did what God told him. Then it rained and rained. Water covered the land. But Noah's boat folated safely.(Read Genesis 6-7)
At last the rain stopped. When the land was dry, Noah opened the door. Out flew the birds. Off scampered the animals. And Noah said a special thank-you to God. "Noah", said God, "when you see the rainbow, remember my promise: I will never flood the whole Earth again." (Read Genesis 8, 9).
Abraham and Sarah longed for a baby. One day God said, "Abraham, I've chosen you. "I will give you a new land and a big family. Everyone in the whole world will be happy because of you and your family. "So leave your house and take your tent. We're going on a journey." (Genesis 12).
Then the Lord appeared to Abraham. As he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day, he lifted his eyes and looked, ...three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, and said, "Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. So they sat in the shade while Abraham brought them food and water. He didn't guess that they were God's messengers. "Next year Sarah will have a baby boy,"they said.(Genesis 18).
God kept his promise and baby Isaac was born. Some years later, God said, "Abraham, will you give Isaac back to me?" But just as Abraham was getting ready to give Isaac back, God called out, "Abraham, I know how much you love and trust me. I won't take Isaac away."(Genesis 22).
Isaac married Rebekah and they had twin sons : Esau and Jacob. One day Esau arrived back from hunting. Jacob was cooking delicious food. "Give some!" cried Esau. "I'm starving!" "Only if you give me your special place as eldest son," said Jacob. "All right!" Esau agreed. (Genesis 25).
Jacob tricked Esau again. Esau wanted to kill Jacob. So Jacob run away. That night Jacob slept under the stars. In his dream he saw a s...taircase. Angels were going up and down. Than God said, "Jacob, I promised to be with you. I'll never leave you. You and your family will have the good things I promised to Abraham." (Genesis 28).
Jacob had lots of children but Joseph was his favourite. He gave Joseph a beautiful coat. Joseph's brothers were jealous. One day Joseph went to the fields to find his brothers. "Let's get him," the brothers cried. They grabbed Joseph, ripped off his special coat and threw him down an empty well.(Genesis 37).
The brothers decided to sell Joseph to some men travelling to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph became Potiphar's slave. Because Joseph worked so hard, Potiphar put him charge of everything he had. But Potiphar's wife told lies about Joseph, so he was sent to prison. Even there, God was still with him.
Kamus: -put him in charge of everything he had =menempatkan dia bertanggungjawab atas segala yang ia miliki. (Genesis 37,39).
The king of Egypt had worrying dreams. "Fetch Joseph," a servant said. "He understands dreams". The king told Joseph his dream. "God says seven good harvests are coming, followed by seven bad ones," Joseph explained. "Save food now to feed your people in the bad years." The king was pleased. "Joseph, you must help me lead Egypt".
Kamus: The king was pleased = Raja senang. (Genesis 41).
Now Joseph's brothers had to travel to Egypt to buy corn. They did not know that the man in charge was Joseph. Joseph pretended to be angry. Then he said, "Don't be frightened. It's me, Joseph!. I will take care of you. God brought me here to save everyone!. Come and live in Egypt."(Genesis 42-45).
MOSES (16)
God gave Jacob the name "Israel". Israel's people stayed in Egypt. But years later, a cruel king made them his slaves. "Kill all their baby boys" he ordered. But one mother hid her baby in a floating basket among the river reeds. "What's in the basket?" asked the princess. Her servant opened the lid. "What a beautiful baby!" the princess exclaimed. "I shall keep him and name him Moses".
Kamus: Opened the lid = Buka penutup; in a floating basket among the river reeds = dlm.keranjang mengambang diantara alang-alang sungai. Exclaimed = berteriak,berseru.(Exodus 1,2).
When Moses grew up he longed to save his people. The king was furious, so Moses ran far away. One day, Moses saw a bush on fire. "That's strange!" he thought. Suddenly God spoke from the bush. "Moses, go back to Egypt and rescue your unhappy people." "I can't!" Moses exclaimed. "Yes, you can," God said, "because I will be with you."
Kamus: furious = geram. rescue =menyelamatkan,melepaskan.(Exodus 3).
Moses set off for Egypt. "God says you must let his people go," he told the king. "No!" the king replied. "I don't know or care about your God. I won't let them go. Make the Israelites work harder!"!. "Obey God or bad things will happen," Moses warned. "I won't" the king replied. (Exodus 4,5)
Kamus: Moses set off for Egypt =Musa berangkat ke Mesir.
Everything happened as Moses had warned. First frogs ran everywhere, then flies came, then there were storms. But still the king would not let the Israelites go. "God will rescue his people," Moses said, "but because of you, Egypt will be sad." "Go away! the king shouted. "Tomorrow God will rescue us," Moses told the Israelites. "Cook a special meal to thank him." (Exodus 4-12).
The next day the Israelites left Egypt and camped by the Red Sea. But the Egyptian army chased them!. God said, "Moses, stretch your stick over the sea. Tell the people to go forward." Moses obeyed God. The waters rolled back and the Israelites crossed on dry ground. "Hurrah!" they shouted on the other side. "God has rescued us!". (Exodus 13-15).
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