"God is leading us to the country he promised us," Moses told the Israelites as they walked through the desert. "There's nothing to eat!" the people grumbled. "I will feed you every day," God promises. The next morning the ground was covered with small white flakes. They tasted good, like honey biscuits. (Exodus 16).
Kamus: grumbled =ngomel, mengeluh.
The people kept grumbling. "We're thirsty, Moses," they moaned. "Give us water!". Moses told God and God said, "Go to the special rock that I will show you and hit it with your stick." Moses did as God told him and cool, refreshing water gushed from the rock. There was plenty for everyone.(Exodus 17).
Kamus: moaned=mengerang, meraung. cool=dingin/sejuk; gushed=meyembur/memancar.
God said to Moses, "These rules will help my people every day: Put me first and love me best. Don't worship anyone but me. Don't use my name carelessly. Keep one day each week as a resting day with me. "Obey your father and mother. Don't hurt others. Keep love between a husband and wife special. Don't take what isn't yours. Don't tell lies about other people. Don't be jealous of other people and want what they have."(Exodus 20).
When they reached the land God had promised them, Moses sent twelve spies to look around. "It's a wonderful country," the spies said, "but we'll never win it! The people there are huge and strong!". But Caleb and Joshua shouted out, "Don't cry! God will help us win!".(Number 13,14).
When Moses died, God made Joshua the leader. Joshua sent two spies to Jericho. The king sent soldiers to seize them, but Rahab hid them. Finally the soldiers left. Rahab said to the spies: "When God gives you Jericho, please be kind to me." "We will !" they promised. (Joshua 1,2).
Joshua did everything God told him. So for six days, Joshua and the soldiers and priests marched once around Jericho. On the seventh da...y they marched around seven times, blowing their trumpets. Then everyone shouted. At once the walls of the city fell. CRASH! But Rahab was not hurt.(Joshua 6). Kamus: marched = berbaris.
The Israelites soon forgot God. But God did not forget them. When enemies attacked Israel, God said to Gideon, "Rescue my people. I'll show you how!". That night Gideon and his soldiers crept to the enemy camp with trumpets and jars with torches inside. At Gideon's signal, every soldiers smashed his jar, blew his trumpet and shouted, "For God and for Gideon!". And Israel's enemies ran away!. (Judges 6,7).
Kamus: smashed his jar=menghancurkan/memecahkan buli2nya.
More enemies attacked Israel. This time God chose strong Samson to fight them. Samson told his enemies this riddle: "Out of the eater came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet." His enemies, the Philistines, were puzzled. Then they discovered that Samson had found a bee's nest in a lion's dead body and he'd eaten the delicious honey.(Judges 13-14). Kamus: puzzled = bingung.
Finally the Philistines caught Samson. They blinded him and brought him to their temple. "Our God Dagon is the greatest! they shouted.
"God,please help me to beat the Philistine," Samson prayed. He put his hands on the big pillars and pushed and pushed. Crack. CRASH!. The temple fell down and killed everyone. Samson was remembered as a great hero. Judges 16--Kamus: Crack = retak; Crash =jatuh.
Naomi's family lived in Bethlehem. But when the food ran out, they moved to far-away Moab. Poor Naomi! Her husband and sons died. But their Moabites wives, Orpah and Ruth, looked after her. "I'm going back to Bethlehem," Naomi said. "Goodbye," said Orpah, hugging Naomi. But Ruth said, "I'm coming with you. I'll stay with you always. I love you and your God will be my God." Ruth 1.
Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem. They were so poor that Ruth picked up leftover grain from the fields to make bread. "Who's that stranger?" asked the farmer Boaz. "That's Ruth. She takes good care of Naomi," the farmworkers replied. "Then drop extra grain for Ruth," Boaz said kindly. Boaz decided to marry Ruth. They soon had a little boy. Now Naomi was very happy. Ruth 2-4.
Hannah longed for a baby!. One day, she visited God's house with her husband. Hannah felt so sad. "Please God," she cried, "send me a baby. I promise I'll give him back to you." Eli, the priest, heard her. "May God answer your prayer! he said. And God did!. Hannah called her baby Samuel. 1 Samuel 1.
Hannah kept her promise. She took Samuel to live with Eli, the priest, at God's house. One night, Samuel heard a voice: "Samuel!" He ran to Eli. "I didn't call," Eli said. "Go back to bed." Three times Samuel heard the voice and three times he ran to Eli. Then Eli said, "It's God's voice. Next time he calls, say 'I'm listening." God called again and Samuel listened to God's message. 1 Samuel 3.
Samuel gave God's messages to the Israelites. But they wanted a king instead. "I will choose their king," God told Samuel. One day a young man called Saul arrived. "My father's donkeys ran away," he told Samuel. "I can't find them anywhere. Can you help me?". "Don't be worry, your donkeys have been found," Samuel said. "God has chosen you to be king of Israel!". 1 Samuel 8-10.
One day the Israelites were gettin...g ready for battle. "Wait for me to pray before you fight," Samuel told King Saul. King Saul waited and waited. Finally, he decided to say the prayers himself. Just then Samuel came back. "Why didn't you wait?" Samuel asked sadly. "Because you won't obey God, he is going to choose another king." 1 Samuel 13.
A NEW KING - 36.
"Go and see Jesse," God told Samuel. "I have chosen one of his sons to be king." Jesse's eldest son was handsome. "He looks like a king!" thought Samuel. But God whispered, "No! Not this one." Samuel saw six more sons. But each time God said, "No!". "Have you another son?" Samuel asked. "Only young David," Jesse replied. "He's looking after my sheep." When David arrived, God told Samuel, "He is the one! My chosen king!". 1 Samuel 16.
David's brothers were in Saul's army. David was visiting them when the huge Philistine soldier, Goliath, bellowed, "Iraelites, choose a man to fight me!". The Israelites were terrified. "I'll fight him! said David, taking just his shepherd's sling and five stones. "I'll feed you to the birds!" roared Goliath. "I fight with God's strength!" David shouted. He aimed. The stone from his sling hit Goliath's skull...crack!. Goliath crashed to the ground.
1 Samuel 17. Kamus: huge=besar; bellowed =berteriak; sling=pengumban,lemparan.
Saul invited David to live in his palace. Whenever Saul was miserable, David would sing and play his harp to cheer him up. David and Jonathan, Saul's son, became great friends. But Saul grew jealous of David. One day Saul hurled his spear at David. David dodged just in time!. "Go", said Jonathan, "or my father will kill you!". The two friends hugged each others and sadly said, "Goodbye." 1 Samuel 16,18,19.
When Saul discovered David had gone, he chased him. One night David and his nephew, Abishai, crept up on Saul and his soldiers as they slept. "Kill Saul now!" Abishai whispered. "Never!" David replied. "God would not want that. We'll take Saul's spear and water jug instead!". When Saul discovered that David had taken his spear and jug but had not hurt him, he promised to stop chasing David. 1 Samuel 26.
One day Saul and Jonathan died in battle and David became king. "Jonathan is dead," David said sadly. "I must look after his family." "Then take care of his son Mephibosheth," a servant said. "He can't walk." So David invited Jonathan's son to the palace. "Welcome, Mephibosheth," he said. "Come and live here and have dinner with me every day." 2 Samuel 9.
When David died, his son Solomon became king. Solomon asked God to help him rule well. God made him wise. One day two mothers arrived with a baby. "He's my baby!" the first woman cried. "No! He's mine," the other shouted. "Cut the baby in two," ordered Solomon, " and give each mother half!". "No!" cried the first woman. "Don't hurt him! Let her have him!". "Take the baby," Solomon told the first woman, "for you are the real mother". 1 King 3.
Kamus: hurled =melemparkan; dodged = mengelak; jug=kendi/buyung.
God made Solomon rich as well as wise. Solomon began to build a splendid home fo God - the temple. Thousands of builders got busy with fine wood and huge stones. Inside, in God's special room, even the floor was paved with gold!. Finally it was finished. Everyone celebrated. God promised to listen to his people when they prayed to him there.
1 Kings 5-9. Kamus: Splendid = megah.
Some kings of Israel were bad. King Ahab and his wicked queen, Jezebel, prayed to false gods and killed many of God's friends. One day God's friend Elijah brought Ahab a message. "I serve the true God. There will be no rain until I say so!". What Elijah said came true. Plants and animals began to die. Everyone was hungry. But God looked after the Elijah.
1 Kings 16-17.
"Bring the servants of the false god Bal to Mount Carmel," Elijah told Ahab. "We'll prove who's the real God." "Built a fire with wood," Elijah told Baal's follower". "Now ask Baal to light it". They prayed and prayed but nothing happened!. Elijah poured water over his wood. Then he prayed: "Please, God, send fire!". At once, fire streaked down and set Elijah's wood alight. "Our God is the real God!" shouted the Israelites.
1 Kings 18. Kamus: streaked down =melesat kebawah.
Jezebel was furious. She wanted to kill Elijah. But God kept him safe. "Find Elisha," God told Elijah. "He'll help you. He will be my messenger too". One day Elijah and Elisha were walking together, when they heard a rushing noise. Suddenly a chariot of fire, drawn by fiery horses, swooped down between them. A great wind whirled Elijah off his feet. He was lifted, up and away until Elisha could see him no more. 1 Kings 19, 2 Kings 2.
Kamus: rushing noise = suara bising; drawn by fiery horses= ditarik oleh kuda api; Swooped down =menukik kebawah; a great wind whirled= angin badai memutar.
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